Screenplay MESTRA makes quarter-finalist in San Francisco International Screenwriting Competition

All of a sudden my screenplay MESTRA has come back as a quarter-finalist in the SFISC. Not sure what it means but it’s nice to get encouraging emails!

The email says to share the news on the internet, so as a good social-media trumpist this is me uncritically following orders and sharing the news on the internet. At least I have a source. It’s probably lame to post about this when readers haven’t read MESTRA but anyhow. I worked really hard on it, and as soon as it’s made into a movie, yall will be first to know.

Meanwhile, DESPAIR PRIORITIES, the most personal thing I ever never intended to write, is looking for a literary agent, so hit me up if you like funny literary writers!

Aspiring screenwriters: I’ve done just a little business with San Francisco Screenwriting through the ever-helpful Film Freeway, but both have been super classy, given good feedback and been good communicators, and I highly recommend working with them.