David Mejia’s Before and After Thanksgiving

Finally, finally made it to the fourth floor of my beloved King Library, after a bitter monthlong absence, to be shit last in seeing San José old hand David Mejia’s exhibition Before and After Thanksgiving. It’s a painting (watercolor, right?) exercise and a modest history lesson. Mejia has been pushing his stuff for years. One of my favorites is the profane and puerile Ballman. It’s excellent that he’s getting some love at the library. Go see the paintings before November 30! I’ll let the paintings speak for themselves:




Low-res, off-center photos posted for collegiality and appreciation only. I really dig the playful but purposeful use of color and the comic book-style planning in general. It gives an emotional directness needed by the subject, just as an improvised shamanic performance would in a more advanced culture than our own.

I also like how he mentioned using fish as fertilizer in poor soils, because it reminded me of the many years of my life I spent wondering why the fuck, as it said in some school textbook of mine, they “planted fish.”

miami25n-1-webDavid Mejia



Eugenio Negro’s Desk


Love my desk! As you can see there’s no computer on it, which is partially why I use my desk not nearly enough. Can you spot…???

  1. guitar picks I found on the N-Judah
  2. Peter Malae’s What We Are
  3. Checkbook
  4. Guitar string packet
  5. Jar of pine cones
  6. Santa Theresa County Park map
  7. Jimi Hendrix stamps
  8. Kevin Tucker’s Black and Green Review #4
  9. Tube of red acrylic paint from who knows where
  10. Quart of High Life
  11. All the paper notes for my next novel
  12. Boessenecker’s Bandido
  13. Washboard
  14. Glass guitar slide
  15. Ruler I never fucking use

