Cañada del Oro Wildflowers, Geocache Quached

Finally got up to Cañada del Oro, my favorite favorite place to bum around, last Saturday, to see the wildflowers. Though this is the most reliable place I know of in the San Ho area to see an astounding variety of wildflowers, I was somewhat nervous to see Indian Paintbrushes before the heat gets them. Saw this cool turkey on the way in, but I had to shoot the photo into the sun…


Shitty digital Canon Elph lens was NOT cooperating to catch these blue dicks! You can eat them… IMG_2435

Shooting stars in the daytime!


Finally the Indian Paintbrush showed up. I’m pretty sure the one below with the serrated leaves is also a kind of paintbrush, but someone can comment and fill me in.

IMG_2439IMG_2438Finally, I nabbed a bit of geocached plastic pollution! It’s been signed and stamped and commented upon by such as Mia Quiche, Fleetwood 7 and others. I took that shit back to the city and recycled it. Fuck your plastic geo-trash, Fleetwood 7!


2-Strats and las ilusiones

2-Strats and Cornhouse visit the local getting place and experience perception and stuff.Negro2StratsIlusiones

Star-Crossed II by Julia Barbosa Landois

Here’s some people gazing at Julia Barbosa Landois‘ 2013 piece Star-Crossed II at MACLA on Fisting Friday. It’s a video featuring a ranchera tune about breaking up with Jesus. Landois came all the way from San Antonio to come talk about it.


Landois spoke briefly to the crowd assembled at MACLA about how she started in painting and progressed over time to working in other media such as video in order to better suit her stories. Her speech and her website lead me to believe that she’s been in bands and stuff in the past.

Myself I thought the karaoke bit that marks Star-Crossed II was really captivating and that it motivates the viewer to get into the piece. I asked Landois privately what her warmup tune is for a good night of karaoke but she said she doesn’t do it. Then I asked if she ever interviews herself while washing dishes etc., in order to practice figuring and explaining what her stuff is all about, and she said she sometimes does. Interesting!

The piece is part of MACLA’s Chicano/a Biennial. I love how MACLA always finds artists who keep the medium, the look, very simple for their very complex stories. Bravo and good eye, MACLA! Also present is a prison toilet glazed with a large array of information about the prison experience. Really, everything in the Biennial is excellent.

Lucky for all you ignoramuses who may go see the piece, it has English subtitles so you may not feel threatened by the strangeness of the Spanish language, a language spoken by almost half a billion people on a huge percentage of the planet’s dry surface, even though you went into a space that promotes Latino-ness in order to see it, since apparently there are ZERO bilingual people on the entire internet to read this article, but only segregated Spanish and English speakers, as segregated as you all drool to be in your safe suburban or hip urban coffins. Consider yourself stroked, primped, preened, prepared.