San José Fruit Tax Board

Self-portraits from June since I’ve lived downtown.ENegroFruitTaxBoard

Here the best fruit and avocados hide amongst the pointless urban cancer. Does yer scooter grow back every year with neglect, seasonal rain and sunshine?? How bout yer Tesla???

Less Cops but More Neonazis?

Black lives still matter, and punching nazis still does too. Since yall have the memory of goldfish, let’s remind ourselves that there’s a connection between white supremacists, cops and murdering people of color that even the FBI reported a loooowng time ago…


And while we’re here, there’s this too:

Ways of Wokeness – Voting for Joe Biden

In the face of constant corporate media saturation’s turn toward a sham shadow of social justice, and in preparation for the 2020 presidential election, in which the country will decide who will be sham shadow of federal president while still not dealing with their own state’s corrupt and idle congress members, it’s time there were a straightforward explanation of wokeness, like a kindergartner can understand.


Here it is! According to our research, all we have to do is ask our Beloved Corporate Gods for a dash of “representation,” this writer’s second-least favorite word in the English language, just before “accountability.” Wakanda forever, jerks!!

Too bad non-millionaires and non-media giants get no “representation” in deciding who can have housing, education, healthcare and safety from being murdered by cops… Didn’t this country have a whole war over “representation” at one point …?