Drunk Fools by @toborobot and @brainvan

Been meaning for months to put this zine up. Believe it or not this Puta Cuarentena has me with less free time than ever. Picked up “Drunk Fools,” which is just on my level, from Issues back in the winter and loved it. Comics on drinking, getting naked, evacuation, local heroes and forgetting. A little short, though.

Photo on 5-25-20 at 1.51 PM

The choices of detail add to the ground-level, convenience-store, dead weeds and garbage that barely separate inner city from edge city and suburb in the canon of such classics as Tales of Blarg/Desperate Times.

The authors only identify themselves by first names Robert and Brian and their Instagram handles @toborobot and @brainvan. Buy all their stuff!

As an aside, Issues, long a supporter of Exitos Gnosis, is closed for good. Find your nearest billionaire international trade pact scumbag, smoker, bushmeat enthusiast, airport crawler, fast-food driver-inner, or human trafficker, and tell them “hey dipshit! Thanks for spreading the virus that killed the rest of the local economy!”

Normies keep normalizing!

What role does gossip and its middle-class weapon, callout culture, have in normalization of the ridiculous and atrocious?


This is the first successful attempt in 8 weeks at doing a comic about the quarantine from coronavirus etc etc. that wasn’t just pure rage. Art depends on the angle!