Lessons for Outlining Next Book

On the topic of writing, did some heavy outlining on my next book today, which is tentatively titled “Byebye and Shlort.” It’s about how no matter how X-Men special you are, no matter how well your psychic powers work, no one will listen to you if you’re poor, because in the USA it’s a crime to be poor and poor people are blamed for their situation without any question. It takes place in San Jose!

The outline is now huge and messy, but it’s as complete as I want it at this phase. The last few years “outlining” has really evolved for me. My organization method started as a sludge of paper food boxes, ATM receipts, notebook pages and so forth scattered on my desk or in my backpack or wherever else I could keep things depending on my living situation. It was like this for almost ten years, and was a step up from carrying ideas around in my addled adolescent head and losing all the great ideas over and over.

Then those notes started to get typed into the top of the computer file in which I type the story. One lesson I learned was to tell myself what each sequence or chapter or whatever has to do with the themes, characters, plot, etc. But this didn’t stop me from being a nervous neat freak and deleting notes as they went into the story. Stupid! Thank heaven for Google Drive and other backup techniques.

Now I’ve got the outline and page numbers for where each piece of notes goes into the manuscript. If I move it, the mark can change. I’ve also broken the outline up into two documents: the short THEMES document that tells me what I’m writing about, and the outline telling me what order the story goes in. This satisfies my need not to have everything in my face at once, and also allows for the establishment of a symbolic marking system so that the themes document can explain what I’m doing to me, with marks for when such thing happens, so I’m free to forget what the hell I did yesterday.

I think this story will come out, therefore, with very little fat, with digressions and extensions distinguishing themselves, and with an almost poetic focus on the presence of the themes in every word. Did you like Meat Ladder to Mars? Wait’ll you read Bybebye and Shlort, it’s gonna blow your fragile mind.

Americans Unmasked

When the regular Americans you see day in and day out at like the grocery store or saying the weather on TV turn away from you and go do their own thing, this is what they’re really like.

Think of the white places you’ve been to lately: Santa Cruz, Aptos High School, Los Gatos, the peninsula, Burning Man, Coachella, this is who you’re dealing with when they take off their second face.

Traditionalist Workers: Dipshit Neonazis

You may have heard about the march on Sacramento by the Traditionalist Workers’ Party last weekend that went awry and degenerated (to use one of the Party’s favorite words) into violence when Sacramento Antifa showed up and confronted the marchers. The problem with stupid people is that they think everyone else is as dumb as them. This Party should not fool anyone else with their “traditional” antics.

Having reviewed the hayfork-wielding Party’s website and read its shoddy, uneducated slogans, we feel compelled, as a public service, to bust down their phraseology and reveal the Party’s sources of inspiration. All you dumbass Americans’ problem is that you don’t respect history and barely know how to read; really you deserve to get exterminated by fascists like Trump or the Traditionalists, because you’re too voluntarily stupid to run a real society. But that’s just me.

Anyhow, since you probably haven’t bothered to research fascism, here is a brief glossary connecting the Party’s website to fascists of the past and present.

Here are the easy ones:

Anti-Christian Degeneracy: people who aren’t white and Christian. In a specifically contemporary context, Muslim people. More importantly, “degenerate” (entartet) is a Hitler word adopted often by neonazis and also the KKK.

Faith, Family and Folk: any American who uses the word Folk and is not referring to Gordon Lightfoot, one’s own family, or a music festival, is likely using the Hitler word Volk. Yeah, like Volkswagen, you nazi American commuter!

Traditional Families and Entitlement System: Used in the same paragraph! Here the white supremacist, nazi underpinnings of even the Republican party are visible here. They use the same traditional families line that Hitler and countless fascists used, here with the American spin of gutting the social safety net so that non-whites (who belong in separate but equal ghettos according to the Party) will be sacked for resources and then denied any help when their families are unstable. This is a little distinct from Hitler, who talked of “making shared sacrifices” and tried to unite the German Volk in word without mention of the others.

Here are some trickier ones:

1.1 RELIGIOUS FREEDOM Communities and local governments are to be empowered to express their religious traditions and celebrate their heritage … ‘Separation of Church and State’ as currently practiced forces a de facto state religion of degenerate secularism on everybody. “

The reader may think that this is contradictory to hating Muslims above. Understand: this is one of those for-us-only things where they make it sound like they want freedom for everyone, when anyone who looks will see that they mean religious freedom for everyone when white Christians are already on top and can direct and control the whole situation, like Christianity did more or less until the 1990s.

Read it again: here and elsewhere they bitch about the separation of church and state. That means a Christian fascist state is the context in question. When you read this stuff you have to think about domination at all times.

3.5 TRADE REFORM Trade relationships are to be renegotiated to protect America’s working families instead of multinational corporations … economic advantages aren’t trickling down to the working families whose jobs are lost to outsourcing.

3.6 ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY The Traditionalist Worker Party stands for environmental conservation. We stand for sensible environmental regulations which balance the need for job growth with our stewardship obligation…

Had to put these two in to show the Libertarian bent. It sounds like someone was talking like a Republican and then sort of changed their mind midsentence, right? That’s called Libertarian talk. A lot of that economic protectionism, celebration of the Land while also stripmining it, goes back to Hitler’s land management thing, the Landjahr for the Hitler Youth, etc. So now you have proof positive that your white friends who are too edgy for Republicanism (or who are Californians) and claim Libertarian are actually neonazis. You probably already knew that, though. Also, notice that “environmental policy” is based strictly on the ability to exploit, not to rehabilitate or preserve, the land’s life systems.

Finally, come on. “Workers Party” ? What, are you an industrial union from 1880? Refer to the NSDAP, the National Socialist German WORKERS PARTY, or the Nazis for those of you too thick to make the connection. The neonazism is right there in the name of the organization!

So there you have it. There are useful things about this reading, like recalling that Christianity and capitalism are inherently fascist (Islam and Judaism are too, but thst’s another blog post), and will always give rise to fascist movements.

It’s very important that we be able to defend ourselves from bullshit with history and information! Remember, if you’re ever not sure what an American is saying about the country and you don’t have a semantician or historian handy, just ask any Native American, and s/he can set you straight.

Please comment below if you need more examples and we will do some more. Find your local Traditionalist cell, infiltrate it, and humiliate those dipshits in public!

Loss of Loess and How to Heal

Watch this. At one point it was “the most eroded place on Earth” and had been the “Green Wall of China.”

Loess soil covers only about 10% of the land but is a vector for enormous amounts of all agricultural history, as well as forest development before that. When it erodes down into waterways, we’re screwed! Can it be fixed?

Open Payments Shows Doctors Getting Paid by Drug Companies

Dear pediatricians in San José: don’t be pissed if your name shows up in my next book. For now I can see you!!!

Everyone else, use this link, which was evidently started as part of Obamacare to see how much money your local pediatrician has received from drug companies to give foster youth psychotropic drugs!

As you’d know if you’d get off the Netflix and read Karen de Sa’s reporting, foster youth are drugged to the neck by pediatric physicians and psychiatrists. The doctors get a reward of cash or goods from the drug companies, Medicare pays the companies for the drugs (because the patients are foster youth) and everyone goes home fat and happy. It’s a great way to screw young people and waste public money! And you think it’s fine!