Tag Archives: trump

Activism 2003 and 2020: vols coordinator

As part of my series on what things were really like before social media (a time in which the truth was as little treasured as it is now, I assure you, only then it was cable and religion and DSL), here’s some genuine quotes on the struggle to help our own situation.

(Click image and it gets bigger)

Consumer Consensus 2020: Education Unimportant Before Ego

The self-esteem police have decreed consensus!


A person’s routine, comfort and reality tunnel must not be disturbed by any world-historic struggle or growth, including the education systems required for such to work, lest the self-esteem suffer! This hits a variety of issues, such as cop lynching, whether to wear a mask outside amid an epidemic and how to face our own history (in our case, not at all!! Ha ha!!!), for just a few examples.

LIFE HACK: Put another statue next to the non-white-fragility one, which serves exclusively to explain the other one! Have you been anywhere outside the US??? We need more monuments, not less!!

Less Cops but More Neonazis?

Black lives still matter, and punching nazis still does too. Since yall have the memory of goldfish, let’s remind ourselves that there’s a connection between white supremacists, cops and murdering people of color that even the FBI reported a loooowng time ago…


And while we’re here, there’s this too:

Trump: Meat Ladder to Mars Novel to Become Nonfiction Right On Time


It appears that the 2016 Eugenio Negro novel “Meat Ladder to Mars” will indeed become nonfiction, at least most of it, thanks to President Trump, who “plans” to “direct” NASA to send North American astronauts to the moon and to Mars, presumably as soon as possible. And who will work these launch jobs? We’d better read the book.

“Meat Ladder to Mars” is on sale at Bell’s in Palo Alto, Spectator in Oakland, Borderlands and Dog-Eared Books in San Francisco.

Walk for Science (Earth Day) 2017

Here’s a sign that everyone should have for Science Walk, which used to be Earth Day, 2017. The name of the walk itself shows that the earth is not important at all, but our liberal self-aggrandizement for the side we’re on in the narrow debate of how to rape the earth for our own needs. LOL! #earthday #walkforscience #neildegrassetyson


You’ve got to give it to 30-somethings who survived the Bush years, though. They’ve managed instead of making real change to turn their mildly discontent feelings toward their consumer environment into faddish pastimes. I’m impressed.

Día sin Mexicanos in Willow Street

Here are some photos of signs from stores closed today for día sin Mexicanos. The event intended to show lazy Americans how much they rely on “immigrants” to provide for their basic needs, even though everyone on this continent EXCEPT latinos is an immigrant, and an illegal one at that according to 370 broken treaties with native peoples.

Willow St was dead as a graveyard. I’m still looking for real stories and evidence of how other communities fared; it’s hard to think on the effectiveness of Calle Willow’s solidarity gesture when one considers that the clientele is largely latino there. If the business owners couldn’t convince the people who are the problem –the white people on the other Willow St beyond highway 87 –at least they had a day to come together and plot out what it all means in a system that relies on racism to keep the working classes down and thereby also the prices of unnecessary consumer goods.


Apparently “dozens” of restaurants closed in the North American heartland. Tatiana Sanchez of the hopelessly incompetent Mercury News tried to do the story justice in today’s paper. No word yet on if Driscolls or Giant or Well-Pict or Dole suffered, who are massively to blame for any inducement people may have to come to California illegally, and also as guilty of starting the current heroin epidemic in the strawberry fields. Hope someone got the point!


Update: Guadalupe River 22.1.2017

Here’s some photos of the Guadalupe at Virginia St on Saturday morning, not only big and beautiful again after last night’s rain but also moving fast, as I got it at about 8 in the morning this time. It’s kind of best that it’s being unceremoniously pumped out to sea, as no one in San Jose, especially not Willow Glen, deserves this life-giving water. You’re just gonna water your organic lawns with it.

I know it’s hard not to be an innovator every second of your existence, but try not to focus on the real estate at the margins of the photos, like your liberal president would. In other news, 17 North is blocked again. Time to consider that this road was a bad idea and do something different… remember the train tunnel?? It’s gotta still be there, right?


Women’s March San Jose 21.1.2017

Went to the Women’s March this morning, a response nationwide to Trump’s inauguration, and hoped to see a bunch of little 12 year old girls rule motherfuckers on their special day. But of course that kind of confidence and ownership takes time. This is your world, girls, do your thing! There were lots of teachers, lots of retired liberals, lots of babies and lots of pussy hats. Some generally bored-looking men, some obligated-looking men, some young girls scoping the whole thing out doubtlessly trying to figure out where they fit in.

Here’s the crowd at Shitty Hall, fourth and Santa Clara:


The whole thing remained pretty Hwite, I’m sorry to report, unless there was a section of people of color on the other side of the street that I never saw. The crowd was of such size and I was with a group of people of such size that once the thing got moving you were often stuck where you were.

Hwite liberals:


As far as I saw there was only one elderly man in a contrary position, up on the balcony of the Rotary building’s parking garage with a sign that said we were bullying Trump by marching. Can one bully, can one be bigoted against, those who have all the power?

Apropos bullying, my favorite sign is the one about the mango:


All in all the day was a success, because any day when car traffic is barred from downtown is a good day. The convocation at Plaza César Chávez devolved into a bit of a pissing match for local politicians en lieu of a better-organized guide to groups represented in the march to inform the interested. There was even a shameless appearance by Sam Liccardo himself, él de la mayor desvergüenza, hijo de puta y mamón de su propia verga, so I left before it ended. A good time was had by all and we practiced being squished together on the streets!

Días de la selva por Mario Payeras

Acabo de leer este relato en peligro de olvido sobre los esfuerzos de Payeras y su diminuta guerrilla para enseñar letras, organizar y retribuir tierras en las aisladas regiones indígenas del noroeste de Guatemala comenzando en 1972. Me llamó la atención desde una pila de libros en la venta bibliotecaria, y supe de inmediato que el libro me iba a fascinar.


Se trata de la guerrilla que tras años terminaría con nombre de Ejército general de los pobres (EGP) que espantó tanto al puñado de ricos de origen española y estadunidense que controlaban vastas tierras, enriqueciéndose con el labor de indígenas analfabetos, como usted el lector capitalista se engorda con las fresas pizcadas a espaldas rotas aquí en Santa María, Salinas y Guatsón.

Para mí la cumbre del relato fue cuando matan al dueño explotador de una finca sin tocar un centavo de la paga que interrumpieron. El libro incluye cuando posible a vocablos indígenas para cosas comunes de la selva. Me gustó mucho su medida distancia con la que dibuja los personajes y acontecimientos, que deja sitio para ironía, cariño, espanto y la todoimportante autocrítica marxista. Me asombraron también las descripciones de esos personajes ocultos en las aldeas de la selva, a cuyos tiques y característicos personales Payeras describió con tanta atención y humor.

Realmente nada más se necesita decir del libro en 2017 aparte de ésto: imagínense que ahora casi nada se ha mejorado en Guatemala pese a los esfuerzos relatados en el libro, y que hoy en día gringos pendejos de Berkeley de California hacen su eco- y café-turismito en esa misma región guatemalteca en busca del café perfecto para sus fair-trade non-profits de mierda…

Recomiendo el libro a todo quien tiene ganas de aprender más de la historia de resistencia indígena, o sea de revolución, y a quien luchara con la Mockingjay, con el ejército de Dumbledore, etc etc etc.