Tag Archives: banker

NOW ON AMAZON: Almira and the Backward Family

Negro’s novella Almira and the Backward Family –sorta historic, sorta western, all terrifying and all Californian –is now on Amazon to download to your Kindle app or device. It’s only $0.99 too! Tell everyone you know to pick it up and read it!

Who doesn’t like a good revenge story? When nine year-old Almira gets an unreliable hint as to why her family is in grinding poverty in gold rush-era Placer County, she sets out to get revenge in whatever way she can. What is a nine year-old with no education and no supervision capable of doing? You gotta keep reading until the shocking conclusion, if you can handle it.

Click here to get the ebook! Also, a number of paper copies are floating around the Bay Area… seen one lately?


Liccardo Inaugurated Mayor of Rich, Homeless, Slaves

liccardoinaugurationA post for all “pro-business,” “pro-innovation” politicians who build skyscrapers and raise the liberal president’s stock market on the backs of thousands of local homeless citizens and victims of human trafficking and slavery. Get out the wheat paste, people! Stick this meme to REAL walls! Never again can a mayor of San Jose enjoy the luxury of a tenure without retaliation from the people he vowed to oppress when taking the oath of office. And that goes for his homeboy Cortese, too.