Tag Archives: backward

Activism 2003 and 2020: vols coordinator

As part of my series on what things were really like before social media (a time in which the truth was as little treasured as it is now, I assure you, only then it was cable and religion and DSL), here’s some genuine quotes on the struggle to help our own situation.

(Click image and it gets bigger)

Long and Short Reviews Everything

Do you need something to read??? There’s an extremely hard-working independent book review site called Long and Short Reviews, which normally reviews romance books with scandalous covers.

I mean, look at this one. That one’s good, but this one looks great. Changeling Press, man. Computer-generated bodies. What am I doing with my life???

Anyway. Long and Short also did one of my stories. Show them love and read some of the books they’re offering!


Why watch stupidass Disney channel crap and Netflix corporate garbage? Read the People’s literature! If you feel like reading Almira and the Backward Family on your device, visit Kindle to download it.

NOW ON AMAZON: Almira and the Backward Family

Negro’s novella Almira and the Backward Family –sorta historic, sorta western, all terrifying and all Californian –is now on Amazon to download to your Kindle app or device. It’s only $0.99 too! Tell everyone you know to pick it up and read it!

Who doesn’t like a good revenge story? When nine year-old Almira gets an unreliable hint as to why her family is in grinding poverty in gold rush-era Placer County, she sets out to get revenge in whatever way she can. What is a nine year-old with no education and no supervision capable of doing? You gotta keep reading until the shocking conclusion, if you can handle it.

Click here to get the ebook! Also, a number of paper copies are floating around the Bay Area… seen one lately?
