Tag Archives: tea party

Americans Unmasked

When the regular Americans you see day in and day out at like the grocery store or saying the weather on TV turn away from you and go do their own thing, this is what they’re really like.

Think of the white places you’ve been to lately: Santa Cruz, Aptos High School, Los Gatos, the peninsula, Burning Man, Coachella, this is who you’re dealing with when they take off their second face.

Obama Protects Bristol Bay

So, if a white trash governor names her stupid white trash child after it, both of whom have done jack shit to help anyone in their lives, he’ll protect it, but if it’s a forest for native Americans in Arizona, he’ll let Congress (in a DEFENSE BILL) sell it to Rio Tinto. I’d love to see the decision process. God, I hope those two gun nuts put their precious assault rifles in their mouths and pull the triggers.