Tag Archives: sexism

Period of the Prepper




New Novel Available! Meat Ladder to Mars


It’s finally here, gente! My gentri-fi novel Meat Ladder to Mars about a young professional who leans out, as it were, has been so graciously published by those crazy cats Éxitos Gnosis. It’s available for download at Amazon Kindle and they will print the book in May sometime. Go get yerself an ebook, they’re cheap! If you love it or hate it, consider leaving a review on Amazon as well. Enjoy!

Here’s the blurb:
Zosime, once an important crewmember at the doomed sky ladder, is now under one of the world’s largest landfills, loading an antiquated space shuttle with unprotected livestock. Suddenly the world-wandering heroine is given the choice to follow her heart and heal her family or follow orders.
Using the gentri-fi genre, Eugenio Negro presents the moment before colonization of the planet Mars. Negro’s controversial story examines the economic and cultural forces at work in the Mars mission, and asks: is space exploitation the dream of all humankind?

Here’s a QR code: